2012年4月22日 星期日


我是百分之百反對12年國教的一群人...12年國教這種去菁英化的行為...非常鄉愿愚蠢 我不是菁英的那群 可是我相信 社會是需要菁英的存在 我不是菁英 但是我相信 因材施教...因材施教並不是 把一堆程度亂七八糟的學生混在一起 要老師 根據個別學生程度教學...一個老師要對應幾百個學生 這是根本不可能的事情 藉由考試分出程度 根據程度 分班分校...這樣才能讓學生得到屬於他程度的教學 還是該 分成 資優班 普通班 跟 資源班....這樣不就走國中的分班回頭路 說要多元學習...面對現實吧...除了讀書以外的多數學習 都是要錢的!!你要窮人家買鋼琴?小提琴 學芭蕾舞?給家庭不富裕的人一個可以多種管道升學的假象...然後等到他們面對現實後 才發現考試讀書才是真的...可是到那時候 就算你讀的好 也要抽籤分發...(幹你娘 這哪招阿) 教改到現在 小孩只變得越來越蠢 越來越沒抗壓性 遇到問題只會抱怨 不懂去找解決問題的方法 反正老爸老媽都會幫你們解決 說不應該給小孩壓力...每天考試這種不危及到飯碗的壓力都承受不了了...出社會的影響你每頓飯的工作壓力 承受的了嘛? 我已經預見台灣未來可悲的教育走向...12年國教一段時間後...會發現 私立的菁英高中冒出頭來....手頭有點錢的家長就會搶破頭的把小孩送進私立菁英高中 更有錢的菁英家長就會送出國讀國外的菁英學校...沒錢的菁英呢?玩泥巴吧... 在台灣的教育裡 可笑的是 不是學生決定自己的求學路程....學生不喜歡讀書 沒辦法靠自己的自由意志讀 五專 四技二專之類的技職學校...高中都不用考了...哪個家長會願意自己小孩被貼上不愛讀書所以去考技職的標籤...誰都想自己的小孩看起來會讀書要學生考大學 不會讀書難道是錯嘛? 不會讀書根本沒錯 會讀書的小孩不見得是好人 不會讀書的小孩也可以是好人有成就的人.... 高中不會教你糕點怎麼烤 不會教你汽車怎麼修....多少父母會對兒子說...既然你不想讀書 就不要去抽籤高中吧 技職學校也不錯...大多數的父母應該會說 大學這麼多 好歹讀一個回來吧 考高中 是給父母面對現實的機會 假象的公平....不如讓大眾知道不公平的事實...企圖去明星學校 去菁英化 自以為是的學者...真的都很鄉愿很愚蠢... 世界還是需要菁英的存在...他們需要幫我們搞懂他媽的難懂的幾何代數...還要幫我們實驗那些小到哭杯看不見的化學分子結構...還要幫我們急救診療複雜到不行的身體....這些都是菁英....這些都是一般人無法做到的.... 面對現實吧....這社會還是需要菁英...雖然近幾年來菁英搞爛的我們台灣許多大大小小的地方....有人貪汙有人偷機有人詐術....台灣的教育走過了這麼多年...缺少的絕對不是去菁英化 人人平等的假象....而是對小孩教導的道德良知....道德良知才是台灣教育真正該去注意檢討的方向....

2011年10月4日 星期二

Tips, Tricks and Tools You Will Need to Start Using HTML5 Today


HTML5 has been a really hot topic in web development. With the support of most modern browsers available (Safari, chrome, firefox, IE10 and mobile devices), even though the specification has not fully completed yet, but many people have already adopted it as the main technology for all the web development projects. Online giant websites such as Google, facebook, twitter and youtube, they are all built in HTML5!
For me, the most exciting features of HTML5 are the canvas and the robust form capabilities. Canvas experiment can be seen all over the places (not IE, better with Chrome) but for the form elements, they aren't well supported yet. However, as a late adopter, I can see now is the time to pick up HTML5 and start to update myself with the latest implementation of the specifications.
So, I made this post, for myself as a research and for you all who want to learn it as well. I will make a second series about HTML5 next week about references and tutorials. Stay tuned!

HTML5 Support Charts

Before you start, you might want to know the supported feature by most modern browser as well as mobile platform too.

Enable HTML5 tags!

Older version of IE can't recognise the new html elements. However, they are already a few of javascript or css solution to fix that weakness.
  • HTML5Shiv: This script makes IE to recognise and style the HTML5 elements.
  • HTML5 Enabler: Similar to HTML5Shiv, HTML5 Enabler gets IE to acknowledge the new elements in HTML5.
  • Modernizr: Modernrizr allows us to take the advantage of the new capabilities of HTML5 and CSS3.
  • HTML5 Reset: This one is something different from the rest. It comes with folder structure and files ready for you to start a new project. For HTML5 and CSS3 support, it uses modernizr.

Javascript Plugins

I have found a range of javascript plugins to compensate the support of HTML5 on some browsers.
  • VideoJS
    VideoJSHTML5 Video player. You get consistent look between browsers. WIth forced fallback to flash features, it will work in all browsers including IE6 and mobile devices.
  • AudioJSAudioJSHTML Audio player. audio.js uses html5 audio element and it has the same main features like VideoJS - consistent layout and fallback to flash if HTML5 is not supported.
  • HTML5WidgetHTML5 WidgetImplements a subset of the HTML5 Forms module, including calendars, colour swatches, sliding widgets, client side validation and more.
  • Webforms2Webforms2HTMl5 Form Attribute support eg pattern, required, autofocus.
  • LimeJSLimeJSLimeJS is a HTML5 game framework for building fast, native-experience games for all modern touchscreens and desktop browsers.
  • FlexieJSFlexieJSNot really about HTML5, it's the support for the awesome CSS3 Flexible Box Model.

Online Tools

Also, there are a few HTML5 tools available online to speed up the pace to develop HTML5 websites. I have found a few HTMl5 cheatsheet and online reference as well.
  • HTML5 BoilerplateHTML5 BoilerplateHTML5 Boilerplate is the professional badass's base HTML/CSS/JS template for a fast, robust and future-proof site. You get the best of the best practices baked in: cross-browser normalization, performance optimizations, even optional features like cross-domain Ajax and Flash.
  • Switch to HTML5Switch to HTML5Useful online tool that generates the HTML5 document structure according to your preference.
  • InitializrInitializrInitializr is an HTML5 templates generator to help you getting started with an HTML5 project. It is built on HTML5 Boilerplate above.
  • HTML5 Visual CheatsheetHTML5 Visual Cheatsheet
  • HTML5 Canvas CheatsheetHTML5 Canvas Cheatsheet
  • HTML5 PocketBookHTML5 PocketBook

One More Thing...

You can keep track of HTML5 update via this link
And, HTML5 websites inspiration. This HTML gallery consists all the websites made with HTML5.
Next week, we will be talking about HTML5 tutorials and references online. Stay tuned!



jQuery plugin 大集合

jQuery plugin 大集合

研究了 jQuery ,發現他的 plugin 實在方便,透過幾行簡短的 javascript 便可以做出很好的效果
以下是幾個 jQuery 的 plugin, 節錄自 http://www.wowbox.com.tw/blog/article.asp?id=3250

最近試用了 jQuery lightBox plugin ,讚!!
File upload-文件上傳
Ajax File Upload 
Multiple File Upload plugin 
jQuery File Style 
Styling an input type file 
Progress Bar Plugin
Form Validation-表單驗證
jQuery Validation 
Auto Help 
Simple jQuery form validation 
jQuery XAV - form validations 
jQuery AlphaNumeric 
Masked Input 
TypeWatch Plugin 
Text limiter for form fields 
Ajax Username Check with jQuery
Form - Select Box stuff-表單-選取框
jQuery Combobox 
jQuery controlled dependent (or Cascadign) Select List 
Multiple Selects 
Select box manipulation 
Select Combo Plugin 
jQuery - LinkedSelect 
Auto-populate multiple select boxes 
Choose Plugin (Select Replacement)
Form Basics, Input Fields, Checkboxes etc.-表單的基本輸入框,選擇框等
jQuery Form Plugin 
jLook Nice Forms 
Ping Plugin 
Toggle Form Text 
jQuery Field Plugin 
jQuery Form’n Field plugin 
jQuery Checkbox manipulation 
jQuery labelcheck 
3 state radio buttons 
ShiftCheckbox jQuery Plugin 
Watermark Input 
jQuery Checkbox (checkboxes with imags) 
jQuery SpinButton Control 
jQuery Ajax Form Builder 
jQuery Focus Fields 
jQuery Time Entry
Time, Date and Color Picker-時間、日期和顏色選取
jQuery UI Datepicker 
jQuery date picker plugin 
jQuery Time Picker 
Time Picker 
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker Plugin 
Color Picker by intelliance.fr
Rating Plugins-投票插件
jQuery Star Rating Plugin 
jQuery Star Rater 
Content rater with asp.net, ajax and jQuery 
Half-Star Rating Plugin
Search Plugins-搜索插件
jQuery Suggest 
jQuery Autocomplete 
jQuery Autocomplete Mod 
jQuery Autocomplete by AjaxDaddy 
jQuery Autocomplete Plugin with HTML formatting 
jQuery Autocompleter 
AutoCompleter (Tutorial with PHP&MySQL) 
quick Search jQuery Plugin
Inline Edit & Editors-嵌入的編輯器,所見即所得的編輯器
jQuery jFrame 
Jeditable - edit in place plugin for jQuery 
jQuery editable 
jQuery Disable Text Select Plugin 
Edit in Place with Ajax using jQuery 
jQuery Plugin - Another In-Place Editor 
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery
Audio, Video, Flash, SVG, etc-音頻,視頻,flash,svg等
jMedia - accessible multi-media embedding 
JBEdit - Ajax online Video Editor 
jQuery MP3 Plugin 
jQuery Media Plugin 
jQuery Flash Plugin 
Embed QuickTime 
SVG Integration 
jQuery Multimedia Portfolio 
jQuery YouTube Plugin
jQuery lightBox plugin 
jQuery Multimedia Portfolio 
jQuery Image Strip 
jQuery slideViewer 
jQuery jqGalScroll 2.0 
jQuery - jqGalViewII 
jQuery - jqGalViewIII 
jQuery Photo Slider 
jQuery Thumbs - easily create thumbnails 
jQuery jQIR Image Replacement 
jCarousel Lite 
Interface Imagebox 
Image Gallery using jQuery, Interface & Reflactions 
simple jQuery Gallery 
jQuery Gallery Module 
EO Gallery 
jQuery ScrollShow 
jQuery Cycle Plugin 
jQuery Flickr 
jQuery Lazy Load Images Plugin 
Zoomi - Zoomable Thumbnails 
jQuery Crop - crop any image on the fly 
Image Reflection
Google Map-google地圖
jQuery Plugin googlemaps 
jMaps jQuery Maps Framework 
jQuery & Google Maps 
jQuery Maps Interface forr Google and Yahoo maps 
jQuery J Maps - by Tane Piper
Tetris with jQuery 
jQuery Chess 
Mad Libs Word Game 
jQuery Puzzle 
jQuery Solar System (not a game but awesome jQuery Stuff)
Tables, Grids etc.-表格,格子等
jQuery ingrid 
jQuery Grid Plugin 
Table Filter - awesome! 
jQuery Tree Tables 
Expandable “Detail” Table Rows 
Sortable Table ColdFusion Costum Tag with jQuery UI 
jQuery Bubble 
Scrollable HTML Table 
jQuery column Manager Plugin 
jQuery tableHover Plugin 
jQuery columnHover Plugin 
jQuery Grid 
TableSorter plugin for jQuery 
tEditable - in place table editing for jQuery 
jQuery charToTable Plugin 
jQuery Grid Column Sizing 
jQuery Grid Row Sizing
Charts, Presentation etc.-圖表
jQuery Wizard Plugin 
jQuery Chart Plugin 
Bar Chart
Border, Corners, Background-邊,角,背景
jQuery Corner 
jQuery Curvy Corner 
Nifty jQuery Corner 
Transparent Corners 
jQuery Corner Gallery 
Gradient Plugin
Text and Links-文本和鏈接
jQuery Spoiler plugin 
Text Highlighting 
Disable Text Select Plugin 
jQuery Newsticker 
Auto line-height Plugin 
Textgrad - a text gradient plugin 
LinkLook - a link thumbnail preview 
pager jQuery Plugin 
shortKeys jQuery Plugin 
jQuery Biggerlink 
jQuery Ajax Link Checker 
Chili jQuery code highlighter plugin 
jQuery Plugin - Tooltip 
jTip - The jQuery Tool Tip 
Flash Tooltips using jQuery 
Menus, Navigations-菜單,導航
jQuery Tabs Plugin - awesome! [ demo nested tabs ]
another jQuery nested Tab Set example (based on jQuery Tabs Plugin) 
jQuery idTabs 
jdMenu - Hierarchical Menu Plugin for jQuery 
jQuery SuckerFish Style 
jQuery Plugin Treeview 
treeView Basic 
FastFind Menu 
Sliding Menu 
Lava Lamp jQuery Menu 
jQuery iconDock 
jVariations Control Panel 
ContextMenu plugin 
CSS Dock Menu 
jQuery Pop-up Menu Tutorial 
Sliding Menu
Accordions, Slide and Toggle stuff-幻燈、翻轉
jQuery Plugin Accordion 
jQuery Accordion Plugin Horizontal Way 
haccordion - a simple horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery 
Horizontal Accordion by portalzine.de 
Accordion Example from fmarcia.info 
jQuery Accordion Example 
jQuery Demo - Expandable Sidebar Menu 
Sliding Panels for jQuery 
jQuery ToggleElements 
Coda Slider 
Accesible News Slider Plugin 
Showing and Hiding code Examples 
jQuery Easing Plugin 
jQuery Portlets 
Drag and Drop-拖拽
EasyDrag jQuery Plugin 
jQuery Portlets 
jqDnR - drag, drop resize 
Drag Demos
XSLT Plugin 
jQuery Ajax call and result XML parsing 
xmlObjectifier - Converts XML DOM to JSON 
jQuery XSL Transform 
jQuery Taconite - multiple Dom updates 
RSS/ATOM Feed Parser Plugin 
jQuery Google Feed Plugin
Wresize - IE Resize event Fix Plugin 
jQuery ifixpng 
jQuery pngFix 
Link Scrubber - removes the dotted line onfocus from links 
jQuery Perciformes - the entire suckerfish familly under one roof 
Background Iframe 
QinIE - for proper display of Q tags in IE 
jQuery Accessibility Plugin 
jQuery MouseWheel Plugin
Alert, Prompt, Confirm Windows-警告,提示,確認框
jQuery Impromptu 
jQuery Confirm Plugin 
jQuery Style Switcher 
JSS - Javascript StyleSheets 
jQuery Rule - creation/manipulation of CSS Rules 
DOM, Ajax and other jQuery plugins-DOm,ajax以及其他
jQuery Dimenion Plugin 
jQuery Loggin 
Metadata - extract metadata from classes, attributes, elements 
Super-tiny Client-Side Include Javascript jQuery Plugin 
Undo Made Easy with Ajax 
JHeartbeat - periodically poll the server 
Lazy Load Plugin 
Live Query 
jQuery Timers 
jQuery Share it - display social bookmarking icons 
jQuery serverCookieJar 
jQuery autoSave 
jQuery Puffer 
jQuery iFrame Plugin 
Cookie Plugin for jQuery 
jQuery Spy - awesome plugin 
Effect Delay Trick 
jQuick - a quick tag creator for jQuery 


A delicious javascript tagging input field


A brief review of existing components and the presentation of the powerful “jquery.tagInput”

Once again, working on one of our new secret products (which is called Licorize :-) ), I was in need to select a third party component for speeding up development:  this time, a tagging field.
… before continue reading do you like to go straight to live demo?
I realized in seconds that I already had in mind a delicious solution. Delicious (.com) and its wonderful tagging system its really nearly what I wanted, probably even a little more…
What I really love in this component as seen on Delicious is the smoothness of user interaction. Let me explain the concept: try to write a tag directly from the input field and the drop down will show your already used tags, in order of frequency. Amazing, mainly it saves me scrolling the list: most used on top, golden rule. This is not different from what usually the other components do, but in this case the string searched is a little bit “boldified”. This is stylish!
Another nice feature of delicious’s tagging field is the integration with “recommended” and “popular”: not only by clicking the tag it is inserted/removed like every nerd-programmer will be able to imagine, but even while you are typing in the input field, the suggested tag is magically highlighted – this is a masterpiece!
Of course the interface behavior is supported by meaningful contents: suggested tags are computed on the base of the analysis of the url contents and mainly, I suppose,  on other users tagging criteria; having million of users makes the term “statistic” meaningful.
(BTW you can access this data using the Delicious api)
The only things I would change in this jewel is the tag separator from [space] to [comma]; this will give you the capability to add multiple word tags, even if it may induce the user in using the tag field as a sort of notes one. So the separator “flavor” may open a Pandora’s box: if ever in my life I’ll write a tag component – which I’ll try to avoid as much as possible.
Apart from the separator, I needed exactly this component, but unluckily it is entangled in Delicious’ js library, so I decided to have a look at available jQuery based components.
As usual this list does not pretend to be complete as I’m focused on developing products, not on writing reviews, but someone else could find my hints useful (I have already wrote some reviews on charting and grid components).
The top ranked one  is jQuery tag suggestion by Remy Sharp.
This nice component is very easy to use and is based on an array of suggested tags that can be supplied via a js array or via Ajax.
A basic axample:
$('input.tagSuggest').tagSuggest({  tags: ['javascript', 'js2', 'js', 'jquery']});
An Ajax example
$('#tags').tagSuggest({  url: '/tag-suggestion'});
Layout is configurable via css, and some parameters will help you in fine tuning this component.
Even if this is a nice component it is quite far from Delicious one, at least because it does not implement multiple tag collection: mine, suggested, popular. Another little limitation is that the suggested tag list is static, even if called through Ajax.
Another cool component is Tagger by Chris Iufer.
Here the focus is on maintaining  a tag list, instead of filling a field.
Usage is really simple:
But this is even farther from my goal…
Even Pines Tags by Hunter Perrin goes in the wrong direction, at least compared with Delicious. It is focused mainly on writing / removing tags (like the previous one):
The documentation is little bit weak but usage is still easy:
In the same flow is JTAG by Benoît Vidis
cute, but not my prefered one.
Another component that cought my attention was MagicTags by Dave Geddes.
Nice graphics, but here the core seems the transitions effects, making the usage of this component at bit annoying.
Nice look, but similar behavior for  TestBoxList by Guillermo Rauch.
That’s all folks!  I didn’t find other components, maybe the “tag” search key induces too much noise in search engines, but differently from usual there aren’t dozens of components, the choice is limited.
So I reached this sad conclusion:
At least now my requirements are clear:
  1. supporting already used tag list, eventually filled with an Ajax call
  2. filtering results using user inputs
  3. supporting suggested tags, with “smart” selection
  4. supporting multiple separators
  5. supporting frequency
  6. having a nice-ligth-stylish look
  7. be delicious!
After a couple of days of programming this is the result:
typing on the text field a drop down will show your used tags:
I’ve set up a live demo on BugVoice site (new secret product is offline for the moment).
The usage is quite easy at least in the minimal configuration:

insert your input field:
then instantiate the component:
This is just a static case example; in case you have thousands of tags, you should use something like a Json Ajax call.
There are some configuration parameters, this is the complete list:
  1. tags: is a Json array of objects with “tag” and “freq” properties; freq is not mandatory if you do not use it for sorting. It is not mandatory if jsonUrl is specified.
  2. jsonUrl: will receive the text of current tag typed in the “search” parameter.
  3. autoFilter:  true/false  default=true when active shows only matching tags, “false” should be used for server-side filtering
  4. autoStart: true/false default=false when active the dropdown will appear straight on entering the field, otherwise only while typing
  5. sortBy: “frequency”|”tag”|”none”  default=”tag”. When sorting by frequency is on, the filler should report the “freq” property for each tag
  6. tagSeparator: default=”,” any separator char as space, comma, semicolon
  7. boldify: true/false default true “boldify” the matching part of tag in the dropdown box
  8. suggestedTags: callback function to retrieve an object array like ["sugestedtag1","sugestedtag2","suggestedtag3"].If this parameter is not present tag suggestion functionality will be kept hidden.
  9. suggestedTagsPlaceHolder: jQuery proxy for suggested tag placeholder. If it is not supplied it is created below the input field. When placeholder is supplied (hence unique), tagField should be applied on a single input.Something like  $(“#myTagFiled”).tagField(…) will work fine: $(“:text”).tagField(…) probably not!
so a more complex example will look like:


suggested tags:  

in this case the jsonUrl “tags.jsp” is a silly JSP page that will return 4 tags starting with the text typed by the user. Here the sample code:
<%@ page import="net.sf.json.JSONArray, net.sf.json.JSONObject" %><%
  JSONArray jsa= new JSONArray();
  String search=request.getParameter("search")
  for (int i=1;i<5;i++){
    JSONObject o= new JSONObject();
This component is released under MIT license. Enjoy it!
Any feedback will be really appreciated.